Date: 8 October 2016(Sat) (Finished)
(Annual Scientific Meeting
HK Paediatric and Adolescent Dermatology Society)
Venue: Seminar room 1, 2 and 3
Postgraduate Education Centre
Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin
Date: 9 October 2016(Sun) (Finished)
Venue: Shaw Auditorium
Postgraduate Education Centre
Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin


  • Hong Kong Dermatology Foundation
  • Department of Pediatrics, The Chinese University of Hong
  • Department of Anatomical & Cellular Pathology, The Chinese
    University of Hong Kong
  • Hong Kong Pediatric and Adolescent Dermatology Society
  • Department of Social Work and Social Administration, University of Hong Kong


Atopic Dermatitis Symposium ( 8 Oct, 2016 )
Time Program Faculty
12:00 Registration
Moderator: Dr. Robin CW SU
12:30 Atopic Dermatitis–update on management Prof. GIAM-Tong Yoke Chin
13:00 Food allergies in atopic dermatitis – evaluation and managemet Dr. Mark KOH
13:30 Pathophysiology of itch in Atopic Dermatitis Dr. Abel LEE ( 李志宏 )
14:00 Genetics in Atopic Dermatitis Prof. CHUNG Wen Hung
14:30 Atopic Dermatitis and Occupational Hand Eczema: What’s the link and how best to manage Dr. Eric LAN ( 藍政哲)
15:00 Tea Break
Moderator: Dr. Stanley CK HO
15:30 Staph. Aureus and Atopic Dermatitis Prof. Ellis KL HON
16:00 Body – mind – spirit approach in management of atopic dermatitis Prof. Celia CHAN
16:30 Prevention of Atopic Dermatitis – an evidence based review Dr.. Dominic LAI
17:00 Experience of an atopic dermatitis clinic in Hong Kong Dr. David LUK
17:30 Experience using Indigo Naturalis, A Chinese Herb, in Treating Atopic Dermatitis Dr. LIN, Yin-Ku ( 林胤谷)
18:00 End of Program
HK Dermatology Symposium 2016 ( 9 Oct, 2016 )
Time Program Faculty
8:30 Registration
8:50 Opening Remarks
Moderator: Dr. CHENG Tin Sik
9:00 Update on the management of rosacea Dr. LAM Wai Sun
9:30 Phototherapy for paediatric skin conditions Dr. Mark KOH
10:00 Update on paediatric dermatology Prof. GIAM-Tong Yoke Chin
10:30 Tea Break
Moderator: Dr. CHANG Mee
11:00 Moisturisers and Cleansers; Optimising basic skin care Dr. Kerryn GREIVE
11:30 Oculocutaneous diseases Prof. Kelvin CHONG
12:00 Pathogenesis of arsenical cancers in dermatology Dr.  Abel LEE
12:30 Update on SCAR Prof. CHUNG Wen Hung
13:00 Buffet Lunch
Moderator: Dr. CHANG Mee
14:00 Update on HPV Prof Paul CHAN
14:30 Knowledge of HPV and HPV vaccine in STI clinic attendants Dr. Joyce TANG
15:00 Managing patient expectations in practice Dr. Mark TANG
15:30 Diabetic foot ulcer – a podiatrist perspective Ms. Sarah TSE
16:00 End of Program