(1 January 2021 – 31 December 2021)

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic since 2020, Foundation’s activities had been heavily affected. Between the periods 1 January 2021 to 31 December, 2021, the foundation has completed the following activities:

1. Talk

    • 14/11/2021 (10:00 – 11:30 am)
      主辦單位: 龍耳Silence 香港聾人及弱聽人士綜合服務中心
    • 24/10/2021 (9:00 – 9:30 am)
      Hong Kong Dermatology Symposium 2021
      ‘Climate change and skin diseases’
      Organizer: Hong Kong Dermatology Foundation
  • 2. Free skin clinic service (2 days per week)
    Between 1 January 2019 and 31 December, 2021. We had offered 162 free clinic sessions and seeing more than 1000 patients. Due to the fact that many CSSA patients were not attached to any of our referring partners, we accepted clinic booking by person after identifying their CSSA status. We also extended our eligible patients to those who had permanent physical disabilities.
  • 3. Hong Kong Dermatology Symposium 2021
    The Hong Kong Dermatology Symposium 2021 was successfully held on 24 October, 2021 at the Shaw Auditorium, Prince of Wales Hospital Shatin. Over 200 attendants participated in the function.
  • 4. International exchange
    Due to Covid pandemic and travel restriction, no international exchange was embarked.
  • 5. Public education video
    After the launching of our public video on Atopic Dermatitis and Geriatric dermatology in our website, various feedback from the public acknowledged the usefulness of the videos and we will look into appropriate topics for making future videos.
  • 6. Future Plan
    i) Application of the clinic license as stipulated by law
    ii) Continue free skin clinic and looking for more appropriate referral sources
    iii) Making of educational video clips on various skin diseases.
    iv) Organize HKDS 2022 in coming October
    v) Looking into the possibility of setting up ‘Tele-dermatology service’ in near future
    vi) Recruiting more volunteers for online dermatology nurse training
  • Prepared by Dr. Luk Nai Ming
    Hong Kong Dermatology Foundation
    April, 2022