Chairman progress report
Between the periods July 2015 to June 2016, the foundation has completed the following activities:
- Down’s screening (健康普查日) 13 March, 2016.
A total of 62 patients of Down’s patients were screened of their skin problems. For those who need follow up, an appointment was given to them in our free clinic. So far there are 18 Down’s patients have been seen in our free clinic.
2. Public talk / lectures
- 25/6/2016: 九龍城浸信會 長者鄰舍中心 (common skin problems in elderly), around30 elderly participated.
3. Geriatric course with Gerontology Association (4 December, 2015 – 8 April, 2016).
- Detail of the course could be found in the appendix. A total of 20 nurses participated in the course.
4. Geriatric dermatology course held at our Foundation.
The function aims to educate those who serve the elderly populations so that they can better their care and also refer cases to our Foundation if needed. Two social service groups has participated in this education program. Appendix B
- YWCA: 23, May, 2016 – 18 July, 2016. 20 nurses and social workers of YWCA participated in the course.
The first batch of graduates from YWCA.
Students listened to the lecture.
5. Free skin clinic service (2 days x per week)
The free clinic service started in March, 2016, relying mainly on referrals from social welfare groups so as to help the underprivileged group to have proper skin care. Up till 18 October, total number of patients consulted is 326 (138 new cases and 188 old cases). As more social welfare groups join the referral scheme, it is expected that more patients will be benefitted from our free service in the coming year
6. HKDF Annual dinner 8 January, 2016.
The function was organized to thanks the pharmaceutical sponsors and our voluntary workers for the contribution for the work of our foundation. Six tables of guests were invited.
7. Courtesy visit
Received Australian Dermatology Nurse Association’ president (Sharon Temby) in June, 2016. She was introduced about our Foundation and various issues on dermatology nurse training were exchanged.
8. CME activities:
For better education of our nurses and local dermatologists, 3 session of CME activities were held as stipulated below. The average number of participants are 20.
- 19 February, 2016: Basic phototherapy in dermatology by Dr. Tang Yuk Ming
- 29 April, 2016: Use of DPCP on steroid resistant and extensive alopecia areata by Dr. Luk Nai Ming
Prepared by Dr. Luk Nai Ming
October, 2016.
Appendix A
Hong Kong Dermatology Foundation Limited

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology
Basic Dermatology
for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals
Skin is the largest organ of human body yet the care of it has been taken for granted. With the increasing awareness of skin cancer, occupational skin diseases and allergic contact ermatitis to cosmetic products, there is a demand for better understanding of this important organ.
- Understand the basic structure and function of normal skin
- Assessment of common dermatological problems
- Understand potential hazards to skin breakdown
- Appreciate the psychosocial aspect of skin diseases
- Acquire basic knowledge about some common and important skin diseases
- Understand some advance technique and treatment in common skin diseases
- Understand the nursing role in the management of some common skin diseases
Venue: | Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, 1/F., Kimberley House, 35 Kimberley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon |
Target participants: | Nurses and healthcare professionals. (Other participants have to be assessed by the organizers for admission) |
Date & Time: | 04-12-2015 to 08-04-2016 (Except Public Holidays) Friday Evenings: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm |
Course Fee: | HKD 4,500 per person (non-member) HKD 3,600 per person (member of HKAG & Hong Kong Dermatology Foundation Limited) |
CNE Points: | 30 points |
(For more course information, please turn over)
Enquiry: Tel: 2775 5756 Fax: 2775 5586 Email: info@hkag.org Website: www.hkag.org
Course Information
Date | Topics | Speaker | |
1. | 04/12/15 | Biology of Skin | Dr. Luk Nai Ming Dermatologist, Hong Kong Dermatology Foundation |
2. | 11/12/15 | Assessment and Planning for Dermatological Care | Dr. Alex Lam Wai Sun Private Dermatologist |
3. | 18/12/15 | Protecting the Skin and Preventing Breakdown |
Dr. Luk Nai Ming Dermatologist, Hong Kong Dermatology Foundation |
4. | 15/01/16 | Emollient & Other Topical Agents | Ms. Jennifer Wong Senior Pharmacist, Prince of Wales Hospital Adjunct Tutor of School of Pharmacy, CUHK |
5. | 22/01/16 | Eczema | Dr. Tang Wing Sen Joyce Private Dermatologist |
6. | 29/01/16 | Acne | Dr. Siu Fung-Yee Christina Private Dermatologist |
7. | 05/02/16 | Psoriasis | Dr. Simon LS Ku Private Dermatologist |
8. | 12/02/16 | Infective Skin Conditions and Infestations | Dr. Lai Yik Kiu Dominic Private dermatologist |
9. | 19/02/16 | Skin Cancer and its Prevention | Dr. Gavin Chan Private Dermatologist |
10. | 26/02/16 | Phototherapy
Dr. Luk Nai Ming Dermatologist, Hong Kong Dermatology Foundation |
11. | 04/03/16 | Systemic Drug Treatment in Dermatology | Dr. Steven King-fan Loo Honorary consultant dermatologist, Hong Kong Adventist Hospital |
12. | 11/03/16 | Dermatology Surgery and Cryosurgery | Dr. Chan Yung Private dermatologist |
13. | 18/03/16 | Epidermolysis Bullosa and Bullous Diseases | Dr. Luk Nai Ming Dermatologist, Hong Kong Dermatology Foundation |
14. | 01/04/16 | Acute Care Dermatology | Dr. Steven King-fan Loo Honorary consultant dermatologist, Hong Kong Adventist Hospital |
15. | 08/04/16 | Psychological and Social Aspects of Skin Care | Dr. Luk Nai Ming Dermatologist, Hong Kong Dermatology Foundation |
Appendix B
Basic geriatric dermatology for nurses and health related professionals
Skin problems are common among elderlyand the incidence is expected to increase with our aging populaon. It is essenal for those working for elderly e.g. nurses and social workers to have a basic knowledge of elderly skin diseases. It may not only help to prevent some of the common skin diseases but also making early referral to specialist possible, enhancing treatment success. In view of the lack of training in this area, the Hong Kong Dermatology Foundaon Limited and the Sau Po Centre on Aging has jointly organized a basic geriatric dermatology course for the health and health-allied professionals.
- Lectures
- Relevant videos
- Discussion of paent informaon pamphlets on elderly skin diseases
- Case discussion (Parcipants are encouraged to bring forwards cases they encountered in their daily pracce for discussion)
The course will consist of eight 2-hour sessions with topics include
- Basic structure and funcon of skin
- Aging skin
- Bed sores and inconnence contact dermas
- Eczema among elderly
- Common skin infecons (viral, bacterial, fungal infecons and scabies)
- Skin cancers
- Drug erupons
- Cutaneous signs of elder abuse Pruritus in elderly and dry skin…..
Date and Time
Commence on 23 May, 2016 (Monday) and every Monday ll 18 July, 2016. 4 pm to 6 pm.
Hong Kong Dermatology Foundaon Limited
12/F, Wing Sing Commercial Building,
2-4 Wing Sing Lane, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon
Teaching Media
The course will be mainly conducted in Cantonese supplemented by English Admission requirement Registered or enrolled nurses and social workers.
Parcipants, in groups of two, will be assigned a paent informaon pamphlets for improvement so that the informaon included would be more relevant and useful to their clients.
CNE for each lecture will be accredited and a Cerficate of A@endance for those who have completed 75% of the course and completed the assignment.
Course Fee
The course is fully sponsored by the Hong Kong Dermatology Funcon Limited .
Dr. Luk Nai Ming
Specialist in Dermatology
Appendix C