Director’s report (summary)
Between the periods July 2017 to December, 2018, the foundation has completed the following activities:

  1. Talks
    (i) 28/1/2018: 3rd Golden Age Expo & Summit
    “Tele dermatology and the elderly”
    (ii) 11/4/2018: Tung Wah College
    “Climate change and skin diseases”
    (iii) 4/12/2018: Lion Club
    “What you should know about Atopic Dermatitis”
  2. Geriatric dermatology course held at our Foundation.
    The function aims to educate those who serve the elderly populations so that they can better serve their clients and also refer cases to our Foundation if needed.
    April – July, 2017
    8 afternoon sessions
    More than 20 staffs (social workers and nurses) of Christian Family Social Service has attended.
  3. Dermatology nurse training
    Six morning session (Sat.) on the first half of 2017 was organized for senior nurses from the Social Hygiene Service on various skin topics.
  4. Free skin clinic service (2 days per week)
    Between November, 2016 and December 2018. We had offered 1,399 free consultations and treatment to 419 patients. As of today, we have 520 patients and over 60 collaborating partners referring patients to us.
  5. Introducing HKDF
    Dr. Luk Nai Ming and executive member Ms. Wong Lai Wah attended the following meetings to
    Introduce our free clinic service to the attendants
    (ii) 深水埗區安老服務協調委員會 暨深水埗區康復
    深水埗區推廣義工服務協調委員會 服務介紹
    日期:2017 年 6 月 29 日(星期四)
    (ii) 沙田區安老服務協調委員會委員:日期:2017
    年 11 月 24 日(星期五)
  6. Hong Kong Dermatology Symposium
    The Hong Kong Dermatology Symposium 2017 and 2018 were successfully held on 22 October, 2017 and 28 October, 2018 respectively at the Shaw Auditorium, Prince of Wales Hospital Shatin. Over 300 attendants participated in the functions.
  7. Eczema educational class
    A 3-day evening sessions on Eczema Educational Class were held on 31 August 2018, 7 September, 2018 and 14 September, 2018 at the Duke of Windsor Social Service Building. 60 participants were enrolled.
  8. Interview
    (i) Hong Kong Medical Association (June 2017)
    (ii) Hong Kong Economic Times, Mingpao and SCMP (June 2018)
    (iii) 新傳媒 (31 July, 2018)
  9. International exchange
    Attended Taiwan-SCAR meeting in June 2017 at Tung Chung and 6th Continental Congress of Dermatology at in November, 2018 at Taipei (both functions were sponsored by Sanofi Hong Kong)
  10. Future Plan
    (i) The Atopic Dermatitis Self-Efficacy Enhancement Project to be launched later this year
    (ii) Due to shortage of nursing staff in the pm session, the opening hours of the clinic will be revised to 9:30 am to 3 pm with effective from 1 April, 2019.

Prepared by Dr. Luk Nai Ming

Feb, 2019